Delicate White Chocolate mousse, raspberry coulis & White choc chip Shortbread
And yes you can eat this many and still feel sexy at the end so don't fret. |
Then start making your mousse first melt 170g of good quality white chocolate. Then whisk 7 egg whites with a teaspoon of lemon juice till soft peaks. Fold in 40g of caster sugar followed by the melted chocolate till thoroughly combined. Add your coulis to the glass then carefully add the mousse scraping off any excess, place in the fridge to set.
For the shortbread measure out 125g of butter, 55g sugar & 180g of plain flour. Cream the butter and sugar together till fluffy then combine with the flour and a good handful of white choc chips till you have a paste. Cover & place in the fridge for atleast 15 minutes the longer you leave it the better quality end product. Roll out, cut out and then in to the oven they go at 145 degrees for 14 minutes till they're just about to colour.
Transfer to a cooling rack, then you're all done so bring everything together get as fancy as you like from edible gold to simpler touches like fresh berries- whatever makes it your own go wild!