Sunday 15 February 2015

Steak, mushroom & onion pie

Cut my pie into 4 pieces I don’t think I could eat eight.
Recipe -

You’ll need to start of by sauteing button mushrooms with chunks of red onion in a little butter and oil (to prevent the butter catching)
Once the mushrooms are slightly browned and the onion is soft add 2 crushed cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of english mustard, a dash of worcestershire sauce & then seasoning to taste.
Empty 2 tins of stewed steak into a baking dish, add the mushrooms & onion mix to the stewed steak combine together. Then you can either make you’re own puff pastry or buy ready made.
Roll out pastry to appropriate size place on top of mix, cut off any excess then pinch the edges all the way round to create a crimping effect. Pierce the middle of the lid to allow steam to flow out of the pie.
Then bake in the oven till you’ve got lovely golden pastry!

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