Monday 16 February 2015

Chocowok attack!

You're not in the best of moods, that guy you liked turned out to be gay, you've drank the last bottle of wine, found out your pet fish wasn't sold to an old lady like mother had told you and you dropped your last fruit pastel in a puddle. Things are looking grim... Until you read this lovely chocolate recipe online and decide to make the best cake in the universe!

Spongy chocolate tower :3 

You'll need 250g of caster sugar and another 250g of butter to start cream them both together till light and fluffy, add 3 eggs mix well.

Sift in 250g plain flour and 3 table spoons of cocoa powder, fold together. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. 

Line a shallow baking tray with greaseproof paper, little tip if it won't stay still put a blob of butter underneath each corner to keep it in position. Pour cake mix into the tray, bake in a pre-heated oven (180 degrees) for about 20-25 minutes till cooked throughout. 

Take out of the tray carefully peeling away the paper leave to cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile whisk together one 300ml pot of double cream with approx 2 table spoons of nutella or any chocolate spread of your choice.

Using a sharp knife cut into rectangles whatever size you like, using a piping bag and nozzle spoon chocolate mix into the piping bag twist tight and then pipe in rows down the sponge shapes. Stack ontop of each other leaving the top one pipe a single line down the middle of the rectangle. 

To finish place some chopped strawberries ontop and dust with icing sugar.
Now put Bridget Jones on and forget about everything!

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