Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Green Things

With summer on the way everyone seems to be after that bikini body. But being a big bread lover myself I know how hard it can be swapping those carbs for few green things, so here's a salad that packs enough punch to help you forget all about those stodgy sandwiches!

My Crispy bacon, chicken & french brie salad -

First start by preparing your salad shred some salad leaves for the base, add a diced pepper or two, cucumber, some cherry tomatoes for sweetness, a handful of rocket for a bitter edge & then a few rings of red onion to really finish the plate off.

Use fry light for your bacon rather than sunflower oil to save on unnecessary use of calories, fry your bacon till crispy but not quite done and then wrap in foil and place in a low pre heated oven to finish off. Then add a handful of thinly sliced chicken breast to the pan you may have to add a little oil to stop it from sticking cook for about 5-10 minutes till cooked throughout and golden brown, then add to bacon in the oven to keep warm while you prep your brie. Trim off the white coating of your brie careful not to lose too much brie in the process. Slice your cheese into thin long slices and scatter over your salad. Quick tip if you dip your knife in boiling water you get a cleaner cut when slicing your cheese. Then lift out your bacon use a knife to break it into pieces top your salad with bacon bits and your chicken slices, the slight heat from your meat will melt your brie underneath to a warm gooey consistency. Uber-YUMMY

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